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Butter Side Down

As Ben and I were eating breakfast the other day, I noticed that he was eating his toast with the butter side down and toward his tongue. I was going to correct him but stopped. I asked myself, “Self, why… Continue Reading →

A Whole Lot of Shakin’ Going On

It’s official. I am no longer an earthquake virgin. At approximately 5:45 this morning, I was awaked by the sound of our bedroom door rattling against the big stone that we use to prop it open. (Don’t ask.) While trying… Continue Reading →

Buster is Spoiled

For Christmas, Grandma Betty gave Ben a chocolate lab Webkinz. Subsequently, Ben’s been able to play with Buster online at Webkinz.com. Ben likes play the Wheel of Wow, look for a gem, gaze in the Wishing Well, make glop and… Continue Reading →

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