As I was focusing on Jesus before taking communion today, a thought struck me. A lot of times we see Jesus’ act of redemption as this singular event that happened on the cross totally forgetting that he wasn’t pristine when… Continue Reading →
While at a Chinese lunch buffet today, I brought back a plate of fruit, which included two orange slices, to share with Ben after he’d finished the veggies on his current plate. B: I don’t want any oranges. J: It… Continue Reading →
As Ben and I were eating breakfast the other day, I noticed that he was eating his toast with the butter side down and toward his tongue. I was going to correct him but stopped. I asked myself, “Self, why… Continue Reading →
Preface: I finally have had a chance to rewrite/combine my previously removed posts. Hopefully, this will do a better job highlighting the timeline of events and what I felt during that time, leaving out some of the bitterness. My dissatisfaction… Continue Reading →
Mandy had found another challenge about choosing a word of the year for yourself and her word for 2008 was “free.” I’m been meaning to blog about this because I had decided that my word was going to be “real”… Continue Reading →
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