I picked up a copy of the report from the radiologist today to take with me to the surgeon and this is what is has to say.
FINDINGS: Transverse and longitudinal images were obtained through the upper abdomen. The liver is normal in size, shape, and echogenicity. There are no masses, and no intrahepatic ductal dilation is seen. The gallbladder contains multiple large gallstones, which move with patient change and positions, and have prominent posterior acoustic shadow. The common bile duct is 3 mm in diameter, which is normal. There is no focal tenderness on abdominal palpation over the gallbladder. Gallbladder wall thickness is 2 mm. The pancreas is normal in size, shape, and echogenicity. The right kidney is 11.1 cm in length. Aorta is normal in caliber.
IMPRESSION: Choletlithiasis
It seems that everything is else is healthy and I just have a few large gallstones causing me some pain. I’ll be interested in what the surgeon has to say, but from what this is saying, I think I’ll be taking supplements to get rid of the gallstones and not having surgery done.