After I pick up Ben at preschool, I get to read a small blurb about what he’d done that day. Imagine my surprise when I read that he was working on a project for Random Acts of Kidness week. Random… Continue Reading →
As Ben and I were eating breakfast the other day, I noticed that he was eating his toast with the butter side down and toward his tongue. I was going to correct him but stopped. I asked myself, “Self, why… Continue Reading →
This Labor Day weekend, we traveled to Pittsburgh for a regional gathering which I used to attend regularly. While we were about an hour away from the hotel, Dad (for both he and Robert were going to be there) called… Continue Reading →
It’s marching band season! I had arrived early to pickup Ben from YMCA Day Camp so as I passed the time sitting in my car listening to the 3rd Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants book I heard a familiar click-click-click…. Continue Reading →
With Mike in traveling for work, it’s my first morning flying solo in a couple months. Ben was kind and slept in until 7 AM, played nicely in his room until 7:30, and continued to play nicely while I took… Continue Reading →
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