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Tag church

Stop, Think, Love

As I was focusing on Jesus before taking communion today, a thought struck me. A lot of times we see Jesus’ act of redemption as this singular event that happened on the cross totally forgetting that he wasn’t pristine when… Continue Reading →

Do One Thing Everyday That Scares You

Those words from Baz Luhrmann’s Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen) (lyrics) have stuck with me since I first heard the spoken word/song mix. When I went to look up the lyrics for this post, imagine my surprise when I found… Continue Reading →

The Winter of Our Discontent

Preface: I finally have had a chance to rewrite/combine my previously removed posts. Hopefully, this will do a better job highlighting the timeline of events and what I felt during that time, leaving out some of the bitterness. My dissatisfaction… Continue Reading →

My Word for 2008

Mandy had found another challenge about choosing a word of the year for yourself and her word for 2008 was “free.” I’m been meaning to blog about this because I had decided that my word was going to be “real”… Continue Reading →

Jesus at the Drive-Thru Window

Tonight, although starting off bad, was a good night. I drove over to Mason for a Cincinnati-wide MOPS Coordinator Chat at Panera and got terribly lost. (Who knew that Montgomery Road and Mason Montgomery Road weren’t the same road?) Arriving… Continue Reading →

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