cause I made up my mind, I’m gonna keep my bladder. I had my monthly appointment with my chiropractor today and when he asked how I was doing of course I had to fill him in on the gallstones issue… Continue Reading →
I received some pre-appointment paperwork that I need to complete and bring with me to the surgeon. Part of it included family medical history and it was then it hit me…I don’t really know my family medical history. I usually… Continue Reading →
I got a call from the doctor. I’ve got gallstones. The doctor gave me some surgeons to call and meet with. I have an appointment for next Wednesday.
I had the ultrasound today. The nice lady who did the ultrasound couldn’t tell me anything. The info collected must be sent away to the radiologist who’ll send a report back to the doctor and then I’ll hear more. This… Continue Reading →
As far as the blood work is concerned, I’m fine. The results came back clean so if I do have gallstones, they aren’t adversely effecting my body at this time. Yeah!
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