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Tag vacation

Face Time w/McCain and Palin

This Labor Day weekend, we traveled to Pittsburgh for a regional gathering which I used to attend regularly. While we were about an hour away from the hotel, Dad (for both he and Robert were going to be there) called… Continue Reading →

9 Days Later

Ben’s passport arrived in the mail today! The application arrived at the processing center by noon on September 5th and we got it back today, September 14th! We actually should have received it yesterday but it needed a signature and… Continue Reading →

Update: Passport Woes

Last Tuesday around 4 PM I got a call from Megan saying that the State Department people she talks to agree that this is a special case but their higher-ups are holding to line that if I noticed it was… Continue Reading →

Update: Passport Woes

Megan reported that her contact at the State Department seems to remember something about having passports reprinted and is trying to track down a form. :) Megan is trying to rush this through because her contact at the State Department… Continue Reading →

Update: Passport Woes

It’s been two weeks so I decided to call Megan and get an update. Hopefully things are looking promising. I had to leave a voicemail and I haven’t heard back from her. I’ll give her a couple of days and… Continue Reading →

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