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Tag ben

I Let My Son Dress Himself…

…and we get the most interersting combinations when he layers.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

B: It’s good that God made the grass green because on this day everything is supposed to be green. On a side note, I am blessed that Ben has teachers who LOVE what they do. Today, Miss Molly went “golfing”… Continue Reading →

New Shoes Make the Man?

B: All the girls are going to like me because of my new shoes. J: No, the girls won’t like you for what you wear but who you are inside…at least the girls that you’ll want to be friends with… Continue Reading →

Sweet Life

While at a Chinese lunch buffet today, I brought back a plate of fruit, which included two orange slices, to share with Ben after he’d finished the veggies on his current plate. B: I don’t want any oranges. J: It… Continue Reading →

Like Father, Like Son

Betty ran across some childhood pictures of Mike making faces that bear some resemblance to faces Ben makes…

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